Sunday, May 13, 2012

Week 5: How will be PBL beneficial to the students

When students are young, we are more likely to belive their potential and give them as much praise as possible. But with the time our(paernts' and teachers') expectation would be way too high. They lose the beliefs on studensts autonomy and the power of the self-learning stragegy. How can we regain our confidence on the belief on students and their studies? I think the experince waing time is quite important. Students of course should learn, not at our pace but at their own pace. We, as parents of teachers give them a right amount of resources they use and wait for them to bloom like the spring bring the flowers to blossom. I believe project-based learning could be the one solution. From first to end, studenst activate themselves to research, connect the separate items in order and bring mundane data in life with the innovative delivery styles. This is how students approach the real-life problems. They at first figure out what the core and critical problem is amongst the possibles problematic situation. Second, they have to research all the way throught to find out the possible solution. Then they analyze the soultions on the list according to their ciritical thinking or practical benefits. After that, they implement the process they chose and find out strong and weak points of using the selected soltuion. They accumulated these expereinces with the different topics, they might increase practical sense of problem-solving techniques not experimenting all the possible paths putting ahead of them. It will be the goal of PBL and this merit will never acquire throught traditional way of teaching.

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