Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Week9 : Technology and Learning Styles

We went through almost 9 different destinations before we arrived at the final destination.I already had mixed feeling.
This week I had full time read about whole different learning styles ranging from MI to MBTI test to  Kolb's Learning Cycle Model, and Felder-Silverman Learning Style Dimensions . I like the occasional article from ther professors of different field. It gave me a fresh  and new aspect on how to observe students' learning styles. Grasha-Riechamann learning styles shows more practical approach on understanding diverse students who have different educational and cultural backgound. Once again, this week reinforced me to go toward understanding students and made me think of suitable learning stratgegies to each student.
 The final report project from the first draft to the final, I put my all the results from the week 1 to 8. It gave me a meaningful insight. If I designed the project in a organized way before students jumping into the project, they will learn more of contents as well as the way they set up their learning. Giving feedback back and forth with my partner Mari was memorable experience with an intearnational teacher. Thank you, Mari!

I now learned that teacher shoud be the multitasking inspector gadgets. Equipped with the various ways of teaching styles, a whole variety of technical tools and creative thinking in mind, a teacher provided as preferrable learning environment as possible to their students.

Always faithfully,
Michelle Hyesun LEE

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